Email: or call 066-9474782.
Welcome to our digital hub, located in a quiet and peaceful space in the village of An Chillin Liath (Killeenleigh).
Our facilities in the gteic provide 9 individualised desk spaces, along with a small but well equipped kitchen with a fridge microwave and tea/coffee making facilities, if you feel like taking a break from the office space, Forbairt na Dromoda have a new community café available offering soup, sandwiches, cakes and scones and some top quality coffee. This is open Monday to Friday. The office space can be booked from 6am onwards and late night clients are also facilitated.
These work spaces are multi-dimensional offering the remote worker an ideal getaway. These spaces ensure that your commute is minimal but that you have top quality internet connection (approx 1 gb) alternatively they can offer the remote learner peace and quiet on either a long-term or short term basis. These spaces can also be used for one to one tuition (grinds, lessons etc).
Ais Curam Leanai na Dromoda is also located onsite and we offer childcare services from approx 6 months upward. We also have a naionra on site, this could ensure that you can work in close proximity to your children while having all of your childcare needs facilitated. Imagine finishing your work day, collecting your child and having the ability to be on the beach within 10 minutes.
While on your lunch, one can explore the many walks on offer in Dromid or indeed if cycling to work is your thing, enjoy a leisurely lunchtime cycle. The staff at Ionad na Dromoda would only be delighted to direct you to any of local walks.
We also offer accommodation onsite and can be booked via our booking portal on this site. If you require any further information on this please don’t hesitate to contact our office on +353 66-9474782
Digital Hub
A co-working GTEIC hub
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